The Dark Side of the Chess Super Kid
Ashwath Kaushik could be the next super talent, but is there a dark side? It seems every week there is a new tale of a child defeating a Grandmaster at chess and I myself lost to 9 year old Supratit Banerjere in the Hastings blitz event. I think during the course of my career I've rarely lost to someone that young, although I did become part of a record once when Murugan Thiruchelvam beat me in a Richmond rapidplay when he was only ten and at the time became the youngest ever to defeat an International master; although nowadays, such a result would be commonplace. I've mentioned recently that I think this generation of eight year olds is the most promising to emerge since the 1990 vintage of Magnus Carlsen, Sergey Karjakin, Ian Nepomniachtchi, David Howell and others. Ironically it is Davids record of beating a GM that was the one to fall to Ashwath, and it is reasonable t...